Making the Writer’s Journey a Reality
Every First Wednesday of Each Month
What’s In It For You
We are a virtual writer’s critique and support group and we meet from the comfort of our own homes.
If you’ve been considering visiting and need the Zoom codes, visit our Contact page on the Menu bar above and send a request, or visit us on Facebook and use Messenger.
Before joining us, read our “Open Read” rules. Holding a Workshop via Zoom gives our moderator the ability to mute all during the readings, and call on participants for their comments. Don’t worry if the dog barks or the kids cry. Mute is a wonderful thing!
If you don’t have a webcam, don’t let that stop you. Just Join with Audio Only, instead of video.
Come, visit, and see if we are that support and encouragement you have been longing for.

First Wednesday of Each Month
The first Wednesday of every month is Open Read: Non-members are welcome to visit and listen or to visit, listen and provide commentary to the readers. Non-members may also share their screen and read a work in progress for 10 minutes and benefit from constructive feedback. If a webcam is unavailable or one prefers to attend off-camera, he/she may join with audio only.
As one member says, “We are not your mother, and can almost guarantee you won’t receive a pat on the head for reciting.” Our goal is to help you prepare your work to put in front of a publisher. Expose your work among friends as you go along instead of receiving numerous rejections via email and wondering where you went wrong.
Wordsmith, let us get you polished!
The MWW Process
Whatever members have prepared —whether it be an excerpt from a full-length manuscript, short story, poem, play or even song lyrics, the member submits the word “Hat” via the Zoom chat. This means that name is being thrown into the hat and the moderator will sort the names and let the readers know how they line up for the night. Each reader will share his/her screen and give it a go for 13 minutes. Attendees will provide comments orally (for up to three minutes) or typed in the Zoom chat.
The reader is not allowed rebuttals except at the discretion of the moderator. Six to nine people can recite their work on a given evening. If there are too many names “in the Hat,” those who were unable to read will have first option the following week.