
We’re Glad to Have You

Become A Member!

Welcome and thank you for your interest! We are a group that welcomes diversity in story and in backgrounds. Our members are a curious crowd, most wish to learn something new at each meeting, and they do. You will hear authors expound on a multitude of subjects from personal memoirs, to horror, to romance, or even the horror of romance!

  • Network with other writers
  • Obtain expert advice after the workshop closes on the topic of your choice
  • Attend free classes  
  • Find your inspiration
  • See things from a different perspective
  • Try something different

We invite you to join this group at one of our weekly Wednesday night meetings on Zoom. Contact us for the codes, and fire up your computer! The gavel drops at 7:00 pm.

Mary Boyd

MWW President, 2023-25


From Our Members
“MWW helped me write my Memoir. My first attempt writing a book. I keep attending because as I hear people speak from their works, I feel I’m reading several books at the same time. Plus, I am learning from the thoughtful and insightful comments people offer the writers.”
Steve S.
“This group knows where a writer is at. If you’re just starting out, but you have a story and a will to tell it, you’ll get advice that will help you get to the next level. If you’re pretty good and not working hard enough, be prepared to get your butt kicked. I would not even have a book without these people.”
Janet P.
“This group gives feedback from a wide variety of voices letting me know what works, and what doesn’t, and what needs tweaking. And I learn just as much from the feedback given to other writers when they read their stories. I love this group.”
Lindagail R.
“MWW offers advice, suggestions and encouragement in a diverse, comfortable, non-threatening atmosphere. My co-author and I owe MWW a debt of gratitude for the benefits our writing has received.”
Sandra J.
Many thanks to:
The members of the Minneapolis Writers’ Workshop for years of entertaining, moving, insightful books, magazine articles, biographies, essays, homilies and all the other bits of literature we shared. You taught me more about the art and craft of writing than I can say.

Join Online!

Membership Dues for 2025 are $36.

Use our handy PayPal link and become a member instantly.

If you prefer to pay by check, our mailing address is, Minneapolis Writers’ Workshop, PO Box 13271, 1316 5th St. SE., Minneapolis 55414. Please make the check payable to either MWW or Minneapolis Writers’ Workshop.

Membership entitles you to read every week, plus newsletters with all the latest information from MWW. When you get published, you will go on our Published Authors page.

We’re glad to have you!